Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jessica's City Hall Wedding

April 11, 2012, the day that Jessica and Ben tied the knot at the historic San Francisco city hall. It was storming all week, but for the hour and 15 minutes we were at city hall the sun parted the clouds, and gave us an incredible day!

Jessica and Ben got engaged, decided they didn't want to wait forever, or after the baby was born to tie the knot. They called the people that meant most to them and decided to do it. I admire those who just know it! Who cares, if you aren't in the best shape of your life, or don't have the extreme wedding budget that you and your parents have been religiously putting money into for the last couple of years? Jessica and Ben kept what was important at the center of their wedding, family and love. When you have those two things, you can't go wrong!

Congratulations Jessica and Ben, and best of luck!

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