Friday, March 16, 2012

Advice from the Newly Hitched

      I love getting advice from people! It's free information that you can chose to listen to or forget. I am the first in my family to get married so I never looked at the big picture of planning a wedding. I bought a wedding planning book and dove right in. With the guidance of my mother I feel like we got it right, but it would have been nice to have a little heads up as to what you should be ready for. So here's your heads up! I compiled a list of 15 tips from people who are recently married. Maybe a tip or two can help fend off a headache for you!

  1. Make your budget and stick to it! There is nothing worse than realizing you just made a big financial mistake by signing a contract and not having the money! People need to get paid for the work they are doing, but going into debt because your eyes are bigger than you budget will cause a few problems!
  2. Make your guest list early! You should know how many people you want to invite and what your budget is before you do anything else. If you can't afford for 200 people to come than maybe you need to rethink a few things. Decide if you want 100 people to eat fillet mignon, or 175 eat chicken. It is up to you but you need to be aware of this before you sign on the dotted line.
  3. If you want your guests to have fun hire a great DJ. Ask to if they dj at any clubs so you can see how they work a crowd. Or do they have a video of them in action? If you want to have a party, have people on the dance floor celebrating, your DJ needs to understand your taste, and your crowd to get it right.
  4. Enjoy yourself!- The engagement period was for planning, but your wedding day is to experience all your hard work. So relax and enjoy!
  5. "Separate yourself from all the mess and drama and enjoy your fiance and this experience." Mrs. Rachel Van Buskirk
  6. Don't sweat the small stuff. Nothing in life is perfect so don't expect your wedding day to be the exception. Just go with the flow.
  7. This is your wedding day so do things your way. If you compromise to make other people happy, you wont be. Mrs. Mia Pokrywka
  8. Think about what you really want and what you really need. Mrs. Sarah Hanners
  9. Know what you can do yourselves and know what you should leave to the professionals. Of course Aunt Betty takes nice pictures but she's a guest, not hired help.
  10. Do your bachelor and bachelorette parties way before the wedding. You definitely don't want you or your groom to be tired or hungover on your wedding day!
  11. Do an Engagement photo shoot with your photographer. This way you create a rapport with the photographer who will be shooting your wedding. You can see how they work so you will be less nervous the day of the wedding. And your photographer can learn how you and your husband-to-be photograph.
  12. Be Thankful! Nobody likes a Bridezilla. A gracious bride is way more beautiful than a greedy bride. And I am sure you'd still like to have friends once you become a Mrs.
  13. Make lists and hand them out! A photo list for your photographer, a ceremony and reception diagram for the coordinator, a timeline for the vendors, bridal party, and other important people, a checklist for you and your groom, and a song list for your DJ.
  14. Don't wait until the last minute. If your guest list is 120 you know at least 60 people will be there so start making your favors if they are nonperishable, get your bridal party gifts, make your card box,start writing your vows, get your guestbook, etc. Everything that you can get done early do it. Why wait?
  15. Make a decision and stick with it. The more you change your mind the more stress you create for yourself and everyone involved.

And there you have it! A little heads up from those of us who just recently tied the knot. If you have any other tips please feel to comment below! Thanks for stopping by!

My Husband and I being announced as Husband and wife. Photo taken by my Mother in Law.

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