Friday, March 16, 2012

Tips to fend off Wedding Stress

A Three Part Series

     In 2011, I personally know of 10 ladies who tied the knot. To me that is a lot, and I was one of those ladies. Wedding planning can be very stressful, but it should be fun! Many of us have dreamt of our wedding since we were little girls and now we have found that special someone to spend forever with. Now that we are engaged we go into a semi-panic mode. What if the dress doesn't fit? What if I can't find a venue I like for the date I want? Or my budget is really small, and what if my bridal party doesn't get along? All these things happen, but it shouldn't ruin your day, and many problems can be avoided. 
     I am creating a 3 part series dedicated to fending off wedding stress during the engagement period. Part 1, "Advice from the newly Hitched" is a list compiled from a few of those 10 beautiful ladies, and myself. Part 2, "Budget: Ways to save Money but Still have a Beautiful Wedding" will go into depth about creating a gorgeous wedding on any budget.  You don't need to have $40,000 to make your wedding incredible. There are ways to cut the budget down without sacrificing your vision. And last but not least, Part 3, "Photographs: How to get the Best from you and your Photographer".  This last one is obviously near and dear to my heart being a photographer myself (, but I can understand how uncomfortable some people might be in front of the camera. You will feel like a supermodel on your wedding day, but your groom might not feel like a stud in front of the camera. Take the Engagement time to get acquainted with your photographer, so on your big day you are ready to rock and roll!
       Please feel free to comment, or ask any questions that you have about ways to fend off wedding stress! Once again Congratulations! This is a (hopefully) once in a lifetime experience. Allow yourself to have fun, and take it all in! 

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