Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Modeling Tips for Everyone

           Thank you for visiting! If you are here I am assuming you are interested in taking the best picture possible, so best of luck! I compiled this list from personal experience. I am not saying that these tips will change your life, or make you look like a supermodel in your pictures.  But I do hope you find some helpful tips that might make you more comfortable in front of the camera! So here we go!

  1. Breathe- You may think that holding your breath or sucking in the stomach will make you look two sizes smaller. Stand in front of a mirror, breathe in and hold it. Go ahead. What did you see? Your ribcage got bigger, actually making your upper body look bigger, and your face might have actually changed colors. That's not flattering for anyone. So breathe, and relax.
  2. Smeyes- You've heard Tyra Banks say it before. Smile with your eyes. If your eyes are expressionless you have a flat photo. Slightly lift your eyebrows, think of something happy, and open your eyes. Don't be afraid to look into the camera. It is capturing you, don't be afraid to capture it!
  3. Don't sit, Don't lean, Don't touch- We all have extra skin and by sitting, leaning, and touching we bring all that excess skin forward for the lens to see. So when you are "sitting" on a park bench, for example, don't sit all the way back. Scoot forward and use your leg muscles to hold you up.
  4. Clothing- Be comfortable. Don't wear anything too tight to restrict your movement, but don't wear any billowy tops, dresses, or pants either. If you lean forward, sideways, backwards, etc your clothes will fall away from you, creating the illusion that you are bigger than you really are. So wear something comfortable that lays nicely, and doesn't have excess fabric.
  5. Continue to move... Slowly- Photographers can only shoot so fast and if you are moving quickly they may miss an amazing photo. Let the photographer put you in a pose, stay there for a little bit, but then make slow little movements so you don't have twenty frames that are identical. Look in different directions, play with your hair, shift your weight, change your facial expression, or tilt your head.
  6. Girls, wear makeup- Make up looks great on camera. My first photo shoot I thought I looked like a lady of the night my makeup was so heavy, but it turned out great. Even if you are going for the natural look, put some on. If you don't, you could lose dimension in your face. Mascara and lip gloss go a long way!
  7. Make sure your fingernails are identical- Chipped, black nail polish can sure sure ruin an otherwise nice photo. Yes, it can be fixed in Photoshop, but why would you want to make more work for your photographer? Trendy polish also dates your photo, and you may not realize that until you get your photos back.
  8. Get rid of that Double Chin- Elongating your neck is flattering for pretty much everyone. Photos where you are looking down, and over your shoulder, can sometimes give you that dreaded double chin. But by elongating your neck it won't be as noticeable. 
  9. Wear heels if you can- Heels aren't the most comfortable shoes out there, but they create longer, leaner legs, and instantly help your posture.
  10. Enjoy yourself- The more fun you are having the better your photos will be. If you are nervous and tense the lens will capture it. So, let go, breath, and enjoy this moment.

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